2021 The Power of the Letter ‘V’

Beverly Pang
1 min readDec 24, 2021
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

Not too long ago,

In a universe just steps away….

Humans first encountered the letter ‘V’ on Sesame Street

It appeared innocently alongside Big Bird and Cookie Monster

Inviting and mesmerizing

Until they realized ‘V’ stood for evil ‘Veggies’….

Present Day

‘V’ was out of sight, out of mind

Until the Dark Side emerged….

With Virus and Variant in full force

Vaccine is overworked to keep them at bay

And the battle rages on…..

Be Your Own Avenger

The tiniest particle has upended our lives

Pushing certainty and hope out the door

We have gone from New Normal to Never Normal

From Fearful to Fearless and back to Fearful!

Fortunately some things don’t change

We are still the same species

Craving for connections with the outside world

And especially with our dear friends and family

Despite Omicron inviting itself to our party

Crushing the forever-changing plans into pieces

This isn’t hopeless despair

The secret is

Boosters aren’t just for Viruses

It works quite well for our Holiday Spirit too!!!😛

So find that booster hidden inside of you

You will know when you have ignited it

For its side effects

Joy and laughter

Will be impossible to contain!

